The creative minds behind the beloved Hallmark Channel, who have also brought us Hallmark Mystery, Hallmark Family and Hallmark TV are now branching out into the streaming world, launching Hallmark+ this September. The streaming service offers new programming to loyal Hallmark fans in an all new way. Streaming gives the media giant a chance to push the boundaries and explore new territory with some of their content and The Chicken Sisters, one of the new shows coming to Hallmark+ will do just that.
The Chicken Sisters, starring Wendie Malick, Lea Thompson, Schuyler Fisk and Genevieve Angelson, is about two rival families selling, you guessed it, fried chicken. There is a long history between these two families who reside in a small southern town and the series will follow the four powerful women at the forefront of their saga. The show has classic Hallmark charm but definitely takes it up a notch. Star Genevieve Angelson said that is one of the main reasons she wanted to do the show, because it brings something new to the Hallmark franchise. During our interview, Wendie Mallick gave two thumbs up to that notion as well. Within just the first three episodes, there is mention of fertility, infidelity and living with a partner who is not a spouse. Certainly new territory for Hallmark, but a benefit of streaming is the option to branch out.
While there is serious subject matter, the show is also laugh out loud funny and incredibly heartwarming. The stars draw you into their characters and the fictional town of Merinac. These incredible ladies truly make you want to grab a table at one of their restaurants – Frannie’s or Mimi’s, you’ll have to decide – and enjoy a cozy meal with friends and family. That’s what Hallmark is all about after all!
Chemistry is not something a cast can fake, and while this cast shows it onscreen, it’s also very evident off scree. As each cast member arrived at the premier in Los Angeles, there were hugs all around and smiles from ear to ear. They truly have a special bond, and while they play a family on TV, it seems they became one in real life too. The premier was followed by a screening of the first epsiode and a talk with the leading ladies of the show, the show’s executive producer and the book’s author, which was presented by Reese’s Book Club. Executive producer and showrunner, Annie Mebane said “TV is a team sport, and the only sport I’ll play. It’s collaborative and I encouraged a set where people felt that.” The casts chemistry and the show itself prove Mebane’s strategy worked. Hallmark+ has a hit on it’s hand.
Hallmark+ is an all new streaming service that will feature exclusive movies and series you won’t find anywhere else. There will be added membership benefits, such as free cards, monthly coupons, surprise gifts and more. To learn more about The Chicken Sisters, click here.
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