By Kathy Carpenter

First Night presented by Point Loma Playhouse – Funny, fun,and thought provoking. Written by actor and writer Jack Neary. Directed by Jerry Pilato.
Can you out run your destiny or if things turn out the way you thought or even hoped they might in the long run, is it just a fluke? Personally I believe in destiny. Can you change you destiny, maybe? You do have free choice.

First Night is an North American artistic and cultural celebration taking place from afternoon until midnight.on New Year’s Eve.Being a native Californian I had not heard of this event. The first First Night was in Boston in, 1975.. Clara Wainwright wanted an alternative way of celebrating New Year’s Eve, where alcohol was a dominant factor. A place where Boston’s young, innovative artists and musicians could perform on both indoor and outdoor stages
.The event which concludes with fireworks over Boston Harbor has done nothing but grow since it’s inception and is now is run by the City of Boston.. The play First Night takes place 1994. Danny Fleming, a young man in his early thirties is in his element. A safe haven. Where he has settled into his life. Just before closing in walks his eighth grade school crush, Meridith. The girl he never forgot and often fantasizes about. Meredith went off to become a nun in high school. now shes back. Apparently, after twenty years she has decided being a nun didn’t suit her. What’s on her agenda now? Danny, the boy she never forgot.

You need one thing to make a comedy work and that’s timing. Timothy Bensen, playing Danny, had timing in spades. Impeccable timing that had the audience laughing at every turn. Meredith, played by Sarah Alida Leclair, played the straight man. It takes a two person team to make this kind of comedy work. (Stan an Laurel), It worked. A charming romantic comedy. I’m sure people of all ages will identify with. By watching Sarah act you would never guess she’s an opera singer, performing in many shows with the San Diego City Opera.
The set design, the video shop, was created by Jason Maloney, bringing us right back to blockbuster,
The play opens with a black and white video shown by projector. Maybe three minutes. Looked like a good movie. Moves into a monologue by Danny, explaining his love of Christmas movies.

Point Loma Playhouse iss doing more and more plays, and appear to be filling the seats. Small theatre so get your tickets in advance..

If you would like to act, direct, volunteer or be involved in any form please contact them,
They are partnering with Have a Heart make your donation in the lobby.
Take a shopping break and enjoy FIrst Night.a play for all ages.

First Night
Nov. 30 – Dec. 16, 2018
3035 Talbot Street
Point Loma Assembly
A Permanent Image
Feb 15 – March 3, 2019
May 17, – June 6, 2019
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